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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pokemon Special BW ch 06

You guys are lucky that I'm a cheap pirating bastard and that the current crack for Portal 2 isn't very stable for me.

It would be unfair for me to change the agreement halfway through, so the magazine importation part of Pokemon Special will remain unchanged until further notice. That said, it doesn't seem to help at all. If you would recall, the original agreement was that I would keep importing as long as the balance is greater than -$20, and the current balance is 19.20, which will last for three more issues, assuming that prices don't go up.

Pokemon Special BW ch 06 2400p (IF)
Pokemon Special BW ch 06 2400p (MU)
Pokemon Special BW ch 06 2400p (JS)

Pokemon Special BW ch 06 1200p (IF)
Pokemon Special BW ch 06 1200p (MU)
Pokemon Special BW ch 06 1200p (JS)

Pokemon Special BW ch 06 PSD source (IF)

Pokemon Special BW ch 06 PSD source (MU)
Pokemon Special BW ch 06 PSD source (JS)


  1. Thank you very much for this scanlation! I can't say much about it yet but the Thank You has to come first, no matter what :D

  2. Thank you!
    Oh, no Agencyshipping this chapter. Am sad forever.

  3. Thanks, but I noticed you called the Xtransceiver the Live Caster.

    Great, Pokemon Fan gets a Triple Battle with Black, Cheren, and Bianca vs Chili, Cress, and Cilan while Grade four gets the less interesting (but still awesome) Black vs Lenora

    I'm more interested in what happens there than in here.....oh well, this is still good

  4. I have always wonder about this, what is the difference between 2400p and 1200p?

  5. It's bigger and has a higher quality...

  6. 2400p is still big even on a 23" monitor. If it's viewed full image, I still have to scroll left/right and up/down. I recommend sticking with 1200p but you can download both and see what works best for you.

  7. Thank you!! If I want to donate for PokeSpe, should I indicate in the message section of paypal?

  8. @5:14 anon: Certain readers do turn their monitors sideways to read; some even have special monitors to do so. However, the percentage is small. The main intention of 2400p releases is to leave a release for archival purposes (rotational velocidensity, anyone?).

    @shirokiryuu: Just indicate somehow that it's for BW.
