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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pokemon Special ch 395

Back to Pokemon Special...time for shit to hit the fan.

Pokemon Special ch 395 2400p (IF)
Pokemon Special ch 395 2400p (MU)
Pokemon Special ch 395 2400p (4SH)

Pokemon Special ch 395 1200p (IF)
Pokemon Special ch 395 1200p (MU)
Pokemon Special ch 395 1200p (4SH)

Sources will come later because it's 400 MB even when compressed, and 755 MB when decompressed. I'm now editing at the resolution I scanned it as, so the cover PSD (at 6368x4261) is 130MB itself. I could probably halve that by deleting one of the layers, but that would defeat half of the point of uploading the source, which is to back up my work.

Edit: DURRR HURRR It's actually 395. This is why you don't release at 3AM

Edit 2: Source:

Pokemon Special ch 395 PSD source part 1 (IF)
Pokemon Special ch 395 PSD source part 2 (IF)

Pokemon Special ch 395 PSD source part 1 (MU)
Pokemon Special ch 395 PSD source part 2 (MU)


  1. And here ... in France ...
    I's already 2 PM.
    Go to sleep, you had doing great, thanks. ^^

  2. D: Why were you still up at 3AM?! Craaazy.

    Thanks for the chapter :)

  3. Yeaaaah! Thank you sooo muuuch *w*

  4. Awesome! Thanks for doing this, and all the other chapters. Just one small error I noticed: On page 11, Dia says "And that's Dia's house" when I assume you meant "And that's Pearl's house."
