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Friday, October 15, 2010

Please Don't Steal Credit Cards

I opened PayPal today and saw this:

Apparently one of the donators issued a chargeback. I suspect that it was because the card wasn't his in the first place, since the name he requested was different from the name on the card. Nevertheless, I was at a lost for what to say, so here's the conversation I had with dudebro instead (excuse his language). I'm red and he's blue:

By the way, dudebro is a for-contract graphics designer who raked in hundreds of dollars per month while he was still high school. Fuck him.

Edit: Anyways, back to the topic, I agree that donators shouldn't have to be punished for the exorbitantly high fee that PayPal charged. Therefore, donations are only set back by $25, the amount that was donated then retracted.

Moreover, does anyone know a better donation collection service? Fuck PayPal.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A shame really, the kid's heart was in the right place but I guess that doesn't really help much when you're left with paying for the retraction.

  3. The internet is truly a strange place.

  4. @gordon: you wouldn't understand the plight of us proletarians!
